Presidential Election 2018 in Cameroon: consultations will begin on September 6th


Presidential Election 2018 in Cameroon: consultations will begin on September 6th

The information was revealed by the Chairman of the Elections Board  Enow Abrams Egbe during an exchange held in Yaoundé on August 27th, 2018 with members of the diplomatic corps who had assurances on the level of preparations for the October 7th presidential election.



The chairman of the electoral board publicly brought the new out to the world community and presses that; the initiative of installing poling stations in military barracks will no longer be as planed before. It was on this day 27th august 2018, at Hotel Mont Febe, Yaounde at 1pm.

Presided by Mr. Enow Abrams Egbe, the communication of Elections Cameroon “ELECAM” to the world community and presses, aimed at clarifying some measures concerning the coming presidential elections in Cameroon. Taking the floor at one of the press conference hall of Hotel Mont Febe today, the chairman of the Electoral Board said ELECAM is working as stipulates the electoral code.


Recent publication of results of candidates that was unanimously applauded was an example to show the engagement the institution has taken for the election not to be biased. He then ended by taking a look to the future, saying that the forum continues next week in the site of the institution for the last elements in term of organization.

After, came the Director General of ELECAM who gave a brief balance sheet of what the institution had done so far. He laid an emphasis on the implementation of biometric voter cards which, he said is a new reform to guarantee free and fair elections. He added that more than 6 500 000 are already registered and that about 95% of voter cards were already collected by their owners. Concerning the poling stations, Eric Essousse said “poling stations will be managed by poling officials and representatives of all the political parties”. For more credibility, he added that “no poling stations will be located in military barracks”.



This came after several questions from Allegra Baiocchi, the problem of security in the North and South West, the difference observed in figures on the registration’s rate in regard of the previous ones, frustrations on opposition parties not to hold their meetings…   As we can now see, that decision of taking out poling station in military barracks will surely be another satisfaction not only for the international community and Medias but also for the opposition parties because the question was at the center of many debates in local media.

We can remember that last week “La Voix Des Décideurs” brought the new out and it generated other debates. Some brothers event said it was a “fake news”.

Other Ambassadors equally reacted as the resident one of Belgium, who also laid an emphasis on the unrest observed and brought some remarks out and questions: impact on the decreasing of voters; he also wished to know if displaced inhabitants will be able to vote in other poling stations.

The response of the director general was clear “All the poling stations have been maintained. Even displaced inhabitants will be taken into consideration. All this ended round refreshment.

At the end of the forum “La Voix Des Décideurs” Interviewed Allegra Baiocchi who said not to be satisfied on the resolutions taken, though she recognized efforts that were done by the government authorities. She just called Cameroonians to do more for calmed election. She ended by revealing to the press what was said indoors “the role of the press should be fundamental for the success”.



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